Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why music is good for YOUR child....

Why music is good for YOUR child……

Yes, we’ve all heard it before. Bach for Babies, Mozart for Mommies, you name it, it’s out there. Music makes children smarter, Music helps with grades, Music helps with math skills. It’s almost overload. You see the studies, you glance over the titles….but do you really contemplate it for YOUR child?

A new Kindermusik Dad really got me thinking this week. Dad & Charlie came to visit an Our Time class. Charlie was a happy young man (26 months old). He was exploring every space, every nook and cranny of the living room (waiting area) the great room (class area) and the minds in motion area (aka my eclectic and not child proofed office, forgot to put the gate up!)

I continued to reassure Dad that this exploration was normal. That is was OK for Charlie to touch all of my bins out for the class. That I was happy he felt comfortable enough to go over to the kid sized table and chairs and sit and watch. He always rejoined when something new was brought out to explore. I gradually watched Dad relax, and not follow around so much. He sat on the floor, leaning back and watching his son. The more Dad relaxed, the more Charlie stayed in the class area. The more fun they both began to have….and before we knew it, class was over!

In talking with Dad later, his main purpose to join (and he did join!) was to give his son more social time with other children and families (OH YES!) to learn more about sharing and taking turns (YES AGAIN!) and to have a great time. I loved that this Dad was so ‘in tune’ to what his son needed.

So, what light bulb went off in my musical brain after this great start to a Kindermusik day?

I’m going to work even harder to get to know new families better. To find ways that Kindermusik (or music in general) will help each individual family and child. A child might have recently had a Birth to Three evaluation for fine or gross motor skills, or language delays. Music can help with that. A child might really need guidance processing sequences or routines. Music can help with that. A child might have been recently diagnosed as on the Autistic Spectrum. Music can help with that. A child might be recently adopted and or an only child and not know how to interact with other young people. Music can help with that. A family might be overstressed and just need a way to bond with each other in a fun yet educational way. Music can help with that too.

THIS….is why music is GREAT for YOUR child/children AND family.

Sing with you soon!


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